When Wegmans updated its logo design back in 2008, they would not have an inkling that their logo would give somebody this much grief. Apparently Walgreens, the popular online pharmacy, weren’t too pleased about it and have sued Wegmans for infringing on their trademark. They have even asked the court to forfeit all of Wegmans’ business profits since this logo change.
Walgreens in their law suit have claimed that wegmans’ new logo looks a bit too much like their own. They are especially miffed about the ‘Flying W’ which according to them is almost ‘too similar’ to theirs which has been in use since 1951. Wegmans on the other hand, have contended that their brand mark is a throwback to their original 1930s design (look below) and is not similar, hence does not infringe on anybody’s intellectual property.
We personally think that this shows a lack of research on the part of Walgreens’ legal department. I mean, in this day and age of live image searches, how difficult would it be to google Wegmans’ history and the evolution of its logo? Apparently they also have not been keeping themselves updated about other logo controversies, in which logos were actually similar rather than having a “somewhat similar” form.
We feel that while they’re at it, Walgreens should also sue Walmart for copying the ‘Wal’ from their business name!
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